At Adyctive, we sew all our products "on demand". It's a practice that's still largely unknown to the general public, and one that raises a lot of questions. Today we're going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of this type of sewing.

There are many advantages, but we'll list the main ones below :

  • Thanks to made-to-order production, no resources are wasted. We don't have any unsold items because we don't (almost) stock in advance.

  • Since we have small or no stock, we don't need to rent a dedicated storage space and we can keep affordable prices

  • We only carry a small amount of stock in advance on best-selling products in the most popular sizes, to make sure we can respond quickly to customer demand.

  • We can easily add a new model to the collection if you have a particular craving or if a particular fabric is in fashion, because our production line is very flexible.

Making "on demand" allows us to limit the waste associated with unsold products!

 Machine à coudre et boîte rose

However, there are also a number of disadvantages :

    • Shipping times are different from those of fast fashion companies: it's normal, products are made after you've ordered them! Consumers need to get used to being patient again in a world where deliveries are made overnight. More ethical brands with slow fashion processes will deliver your products within a reasonable timeframe (not a timeframe that pushes workers to work indecent hours).

    • Fabric inventory management is complicated : it's not easy to know how many knickers can be sewn from a yard of fabric, so finished goods inventory is easier to count.

    • Overall, production takes longer. Indeed, seamstresses don't have the automatisms (either gestures or machines) of factory production. In Adyctive's case, we also have to make a few cuts in one fabric, then put it away to take out another, not to mention the time spent repeatedly changing the colored threads in our sewing machines, and the time spent getting the right patterns in the right cut and size.

In conclusion, making "on demand" has many advantages, but it also presents additional constraints for the company to manage. However, making to order allows us to be much more respectful of the environment and avoid wasting resources, which is an essential value for Adyctive.

What about you ? Feel free to discuss any of these topics with us at :

See you soon,

Adyctively yours <3


July 03, 2023